The Secret Life of Designers: Unspoken Truths and Unconventional Wisdom


The Secret Life of Designers: Unspoken Truths and Unconventional Wisdom

By: Flambee Digital Agency

As designers, we’re often seen as creative geniuses who bring magic to the digital world. But what about the unspoken truths that we don’t share with our colleagues? The ones that we learn the hard way, through trial and error?

Here are some of the unspoken truths that designers like us have to confront:

The Truth About Collaboration

Developers will always argue that they’re right, even when they’re wrong.
The only way to get a developer to listen to your design is to pretend to be an expert in their field.

The phrase “That’s not how we do it” is code for “I’m too lazy to learn something new.”

The Unspoken Truths of Designing

The only thing that’s more difficult than designing a new feature is explaining it to your boss.
The best design decisions are often made in the shower, but don’t try to implement them until you’ve had a few cups of coffee.
The most creative people are often the ones who don’t get recognized for their work.

The Hidden Truths of Working with Clients

Clients will always have a better idea of what they want, even when they don’t know what they want.
The only way to get a client to understand your design is to use analogies and metaphors.
The phrase “That’s not what I meant” is code for “I’m not happy with your design.”

The Secret Truths About Designing for Multiple Platforms

Designing for multiple platforms is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
The only way to get your design to work on multiple platforms is to use a little bit of magic.
The phrase “It’s just not possible” is code for “I’m not willing to learn how to do it.”

The Unspoken Truths About Designing for Edge Cases

Edge cases are like those weird cousins that nobody talks about.
The only way to design for edge cases is to use a combination of science and magic.
The phrase “It’s not worth the trouble” is code for “I’m not willing to put in the extra effort.”

The Secret Life of Designers: What You Don’t Know About Us

As designers, we’re often seen as mysterious creatures who are always working on some new and exciting project. But what about the things that we don’t share with the world? The things that make us tick, or make us roll our eyes?

Here are some of the secret things that designers like us know:

The best designs are often the ones that are made with love and passion.
The worst designs are often the ones that are made with greed and ambition.
The most successful designers are often the ones who are willing to take risks and try new things.

So there you have it — the secret life of designers. What do you think? Is there anything else you’d like to add?


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